Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thimbleberry Garden Workshops
It’s easier than you think. We’ll discuss the irrigation system design, and demonstrate installation for all kinds of gardens and landscapes - including drip, mini-sprinklers and T-Tape. Learn how to identify the water needs of your plants, how to tell which plants are being over-watered and which plants need more water.
May 29 1:00 to 3:00

The best perennials have a long period of bloom, are easy to care for, and fill a unique niche in the garden. We’ll also discuss maintenance and how to combine compatible plants for special effects in the garden
June 12 1:00 to 3:00

Plant berries before you plant fruit trees. They’re easier and produce fruit sooner. We’ll cover the who, what, where and why of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, lignonberries, and currents red and black.
July 10 1:00 to 3:00

We are fortunate to live in one of the best bulb growing regions in the world. While it’s easy to plant a few bulbs for Spring color, it’s trickier to get the best bulbs in right place. All too often bulbs get buried by their neighbors, lost in the shuffle, or end up leaving dead zones in the summer garden. Includes in a group bulb order.
August 21 1:00 to 3:00

Fall Flowers
We’ll look at late blooming flowers for more color in the garden. We’ll demonstrate dividing perennials, the basics of collecting flower seeds, transplanting, mulching the garden and which perennials to cut back.
September 25 1:00 to 3:00

For more information:

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