Saturday, April 30, 2011

Winter drags on, Spring drags its feet

 Tulip Clusiana                                  photo: j jaman     (click to enlarge)

Spring drags it’s feet, arrives in fits and starts. After a winter that timed its killing freezes to do the most damage with the least effort, the kale plants are short knobby stumps, pushing out miniature leaves just barely as fast as we can pick them. Everything grows in slow motion.

Where is all the miner’s lettuce, the tastiest green this time of the year?  Usually by now I’m picking salads piled high with succulent stems and tender cup-shaped leaves, and hauling away heaping wheelbarrows-full to the compost pile. This year it should be called minor’s lettuce, the juvenile and delinquent salad green.

And where are the orange and yellow flowers, called Calendula by the Romans because they bloom every month of the year, like a garden calender? 

Spring drags its feet, and my seedlings creep when they should jump. I could complain, but there are other compensations, like the clusiana tulips that are new to my garden this year. For the longest time, ever since the crocus flowers faded away, a small colony of these pointy buds on long, slender, spear-shaped stems, have gathered to wage war on a winter that drags on against all odds.

They grow next to a small clump of arugula plants from seeds that blew away with the chaff when I was cleaning last year’s seed crop. The arugula makes a lovely green backdrop to view the clusiana tulips against. I’m letting this arugula clump go to seed, even though it’s in an inconvenient spot, too close to the path to my front door.

I ate so many leaves through the long winter from this tiny little clump that I want to honor it by letting it make babies, and age with dignity into a graceful old age. I want to let it stand like a prayer that I pass every time I come home. I want to eat it babies and its children’s children. I want to age with dignity into a graceful old age.

Tulip clusiana opened                  photo: Sam Cavallaro

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quimper Grange Garden Workshops

This is a Grange Member Sponsored Workshop Series

photo: j jaman

Hands in the dirt workshops, led by experienced local gardeners and craftspeople.

All workshops will start at the Quimper Grange, most will involve field trips to local gardens.

It’s easier than you think. We’ll discuss the irrigation system design, and demonstrate installation for all kinds of gardens and landscapes - including drip, mini-sprinklers and T-Tape. Learn how to identify the water needs of your plants, how to tell which plants are being over-watered and which plants need more water.  with John Barr May 22  1:00 to 3:00

Winter Garden

Now is the time to start sowing plants for next winter’s garden. We will discuss plant varieties and sowing times for a plentiful winter garden. with Jesse Hopkins
June 19  1:00 to 3:00

Companion Plants

Introduce diversity into your garden ecosystem with mixed plantings. Includes techniques for increased production, encouraging beneficial insects, saving seed, and repelling pests. John Barr
July 17 1:00 to 3:00

Herb Harvest
We are blessed with a rich native flora of  both medicinal and culinary herbs, as well as a climate that supports a great variety of herbs from around the world. Denise Joy from Mountain Spirit  will give you information on how and when to harvest, and uses for the herbs in local our neighborhoods. We will take a walk and harvest the rich abundance of the season.
August 7th 1:00 to 3:00

Seed Harvest
How to harvest, clean and store seeds. Tess Gowans and Tinker Cavallaro September 11  1:00 to 3:00

Directions to Quimper Grange
Thimbleberry Garden Workshops
It’s easier than you think. We’ll discuss the irrigation system design, and demonstrate installation for all kinds of gardens and landscapes - including drip, mini-sprinklers and T-Tape. Learn how to identify the water needs of your plants, how to tell which plants are being over-watered and which plants need more water.
May 29 1:00 to 3:00

The best perennials have a long period of bloom, are easy to care for, and fill a unique niche in the garden. We’ll also discuss maintenance and how to combine compatible plants for special effects in the garden
June 12 1:00 to 3:00

Plant berries before you plant fruit trees. They’re easier and produce fruit sooner. We’ll cover the who, what, where and why of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, lignonberries, and currents red and black.
July 10 1:00 to 3:00

We are fortunate to live in one of the best bulb growing regions in the world. While it’s easy to plant a few bulbs for Spring color, it’s trickier to get the best bulbs in right place. All too often bulbs get buried by their neighbors, lost in the shuffle, or end up leaving dead zones in the summer garden. Includes in a group bulb order.
August 21 1:00 to 3:00

Fall Flowers
We’ll look at late blooming flowers for more color in the garden. We’ll demonstrate dividing perennials, the basics of collecting flower seeds, transplanting, mulching the garden and which perennials to cut back.
September 25 1:00 to 3:00

For more information: